12315 Parc Crest Dr, STE# 160
Stafford, TX 77477
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ITAD + Carbon Neutrality

We encourage you to take a moment to analyze how much we are polluting our environment. It is already time to start contributing to waste prevention. We have already talked about the importance of carbon neutrality, but today it will be about ITAD being carbon neutral. ITAD companies are experts in providing green solutions to e-waste and IT assets problems under the highest environmental and social responsibility standards.

Recycle and Go Green

Multiple people around the world do not have the same possibilities as us to own a computer or a smartphone. Many small communities from all around the world only get to know tech when devices became e-waste, and it is hard to see how much this impacts society and the environment at the same time. The problem of e-waste is how harmful it could be to the atmosphere, and at the same time, it is also dangerous for human health.

NIST 800-88 Rev1 Guideline

There are many security and privacy concerns when it comes to erasing our professional or personal data. We have heard more than a hundred horror stories about the unproperly wiping of data and those expensive legal penalties. At this point, you may be considering destroying your IT assets, but this would not be enough because it could be retrievable. Professional data wiping will guarantee the permanent erasing of your data.

Keep your data safe

Mobiles are the most-used devices in our routine. What would we do without our smartphones? We use them for school, work, or only to check out our Instagram home page. Social media is also something that we could never live without, especially during these social distancing times. Luckily, the photos, video calls, and chats make us feel near our loved ones. It is essential for us to stay alert on our devices' security, especially for those who use a password manager on their mobiles because if malware spy over your data, all your accounts could be hacked.

On-site Pickup Services for your IT Assets

There are many things to consider when we are about to get rid of our old IT equipment such as privacy, money, the environment, and time. Gadgets lose value quickly because of the continuous release of new devices. Depreciation rates vary from gadget to gadget, but it is better to dispose of them when they are still functional so you can recover some profit. There are hundreds of horror stories that demonstrate that improper disposal of old equipment englobes many risks. Data security is not the only concern because there are also many environmental worries about the spread of toxic materials in rivers, air, and land.