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What is Cryptocurrency?

What is Cryptocurrency?

Five years ago, blockchain technology has grown very popular among young users. Many people continue investing high amounts of money in this electronic market, but some people do not even understand how it works. Have you ever wondered why this concept of digital currency technology is so attractive to users from all around the world? Today we will explain how Cryptocurrency works.

Let's start the journey with a brief cryptocurrency explanation. It is an independent (not issued by any central bank) digital or virtual currency based on blockchain technology. There are around 1,500 different cryptocurrencies on the market, and they will all raise their value over the upcoming years (especially bitcoin). There are more than 21.2 million users from all around the globe investing in it.

On the other hand, it is essential to recognize that the cryptocurrency market exists thanks to blockchain technology. Under the idea of establishing bitcoin as a new and independent currency, Satoshi Nakamoto developed a complete blockchain system in 2008. As its name says, blockchain is composed of encrypted linked-together blocks of data. In other words, it works just like an electronic database that collects and stores all data in an encrypted format.

This online currency technology only works via the internet, but you can get the best computers and laptops at GreenTek Solutions. Today it's your opportunity to be the next crypto investor and get networking equipment at the most competitive rates available!!!

Melannie Cruz

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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