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How are 0 and 1 used by Computers? The Magic of Binary | GreenTek Solutions, LLC

How are 0 and 1 used by Computers? The Magic of Binary | GreenTek Solutions, LLC

Are you curious about how computers can seemingly perform complex calculations and tasks using only 0 and 1? These two digits, also known as binary code, form the basis of computer programming and communication.

While the concept of binary code dates to ancient times, the German mathematician and philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz modernized this concept until the 17th century. However, binary code was later developed and applied by several inventors and mathematicians until it became the fundamental language of computers and digital systems.

The Role of Binary in Computing

  1. 1.Data Representation: Files, images, videos, and even our dear emojis are all represented in binary code. Each character or symbol corresponds to a unique sequence of 0s and 1s known as a "bit".
  2. 2.Logical Operations: Computers perform logical operations using binary numbers. For instance, OR, AND, and NOT functions are executed in computers using binary, allowing them to make decisions and solve complex problems.
  3. 3.Circuitry: The basic building blocks of computer hardware, such as transistors and logic gates, utilize binary signals (high or low voltage) to receive and transmit information, enabling computers to function.

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