12315 Parc Crest Dr, STE# 160
Stafford, TX 77477
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Thank You, Internet!!

Thank You, Internet!!

The network of networks was developed in January 1983 by Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn. After long years of work and study, this creation finally became the modern internet. It would be unfair to credit this invention to a single person because dozens of scientists, programmers, and engineers worked together to develop new features until they finally performed the internet we know today.

Over the years, technology and globalization have been changing our lives and the way we understand and interact with the rest of the world. On the other hand, the internet has offered limitless opportunities to all its users. Now, we can video call, pay for services, play, visit thousands of websites and even attend our zoom meetings in the same place.

Almost a little more than four decades have passed since 1983, and the internet remains improving and growing every other day to satisfy human needs and requirements. Still, no one owns the whole network, but you can enjoy the internet service from your computer, smartphone, tablet, or even on a smart TV.

Are you looking for IT equipment? You have come to the right place because, at GreenTek Solutions, we have a wide range of electronic equipment at the best prices.

On the other hand, if you are getting rid of your unwanted devices, GreenTek Solutions is the best place to sell used equipment!! With years of experience, we can help you recapture the most from your unwanted IT Assets.

Contact us today at 713-590-972 or sales@greenteksolutions.com

Melannie Cruz

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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