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Read Before Sharing

Read Before Sharing

Social media platforms keep the world connected and allow people to discover new information, ideas, and stories from every spot with an internet connection (even the most remote places on Earth). Although social media plays a significant role in our lives and how we see the world, we can't just trust all the information posted on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

Facebook is an incredible place for sharing memes and exciting stuff, but it is also the best platform to spread fake news. Facebook has recently started testing a new mechanism that forces its users to first open articles before sharing them. Last year, Twitter implemented a similar tool to reduce the spread of fraudulent material, and according to recent research, 40% of its users first open the announcement or blog before retweeting.

Misinformation and Privacy Risks are the dark sides of social media but don't be scared because you can always keep your data protected. I encourage all those social media users to stop sharing information without first reading it because we are all under the work of protecting our community from fraudulent and dishonest data.

Protecting our Facebook profile is simple, but securing your company's reputation can be pretty much complicated. When it comes to security, protecting your confidential files is one of the most important things to do. Be careful with every piece of data you upload to the cloud, avoid sharing sensitive data among the organization, and look for data wiping professional services when needed.

Melannie Cruz

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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