Data Erasure Solutions

Secure Data Wiping Services

At GreenTek Solutions (GTS), we recognize the significant risks associated with insecure data wiping. Any gaps can expose confidential information, jeopardize your reputation, and lead to severe consequences. Ensuring the security and privacy of your clients’, partners’, and employees’ information is crucial. Any lapses in data wiping procedures can result in the misuse of confidential information, causing reputational damage, brand erosion, and even legal trouble with hefty fines and other penalties.

Our Commitment to Secure Data Wiping

We provide certified, regulated data wiping services that give you peace of mind by offering detailed reports for your company’s review, audit, and regulatory reporting, ensuring compliance with industry standards such as:

  • NIST 800-88 R1: A comprehensive guideline for media sanitization, providing methods and techniques to erase data securely and irreversibly from electronic storage media.
  • NIST 800-88 R1/ATA Secure Erase: A standard for secure erasure of data using ATA commands.
  • US Department of Defense Sanitizing (DoD 5220.22-M, DoD 5220.22-M ECE): US Department of Defense standard for data sanitization.
  • NIST 800-88 R1 Cryptographic Erase: If supported, we employ advanced cryptographic erase techniques to ensure data is permanently and securely removed from your devices. This method uses encryption keys to overwrite data, making it irretrievable and ensuring the highest level of data security.
  • Extended NIST 800-88 R1: Enhanced guidelines for media sanitization based on the NIST 800-88 R1.

Why Choose GTS for Data Wiping?

  • Detailed Records: Our software provides a comprehensive record of all erased drives, including make, model, serial number, and size, offering you proof of erasure.
  • Compliance and Security: We adhere to and often exceed the highest compliance guidelines to protect your company’s data and privacy, safeguarding your brand and helping you avoid penalties and fines.
  • Certified Professionals: Our team of certified professionals ensures that all data wiping processes are conducted with the highest level of expertise and integrity.
  • Bulletproof Processes: Our meticulous and thorough data sanitization processes ensure that every step is executed flawlessly, providing the highest level of security and reliability.
  • The protection of your company and its privacy is our top priority! Partner with GreenTek Solutions LLC for safe and regulated data wiping and e-waste disposal. Contact us today at 713-590-9720 .