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The information process in companies

The information process in companies

Companies, regardless of size or sector, base their activity on information: databases, text documents, files, images, etc. The life cycle of this information consists of three phases: generation, transformation and destruction.

All information has a lifespan whether it is a digital format (CD, DVD, USB Flash, magnetic discs, memory cards, etc.) or in traditional formats (paper, microfiche, movies, etc.).

When the life of the documents comes to an end, destruction and deletion mechanisms must be used to prevent them from being available to third parties.

Within the information that companies handle there is critical and special information that, if compromised, disclosed or destroyed, can cause harmful effects for the company.

As examples of this critical information are all confidential and personal documents of customers, employees and suppliers.

With the erasure and destruction of these information media not only seeks to protect the dissemination of confidential information of a company, but also to protect the identity of its employees, of their personal data that these media may contain.

Current laws and regulations make the secure destruction of confidential information an act of equal importance for companies around the world, such as its correct storage or restriction of access, since otherwise this data can come to the hands. wrong.

There are many cases of sanctions for the lack of diligence in the destruction of personal data that are thrown in public places and printed documents are not properly destroyed in most cases, so it is clearly striking that it is found with bank, medical, data minors, etc., in a bin in the street.

The importance in the management of resources that will no longer be used, not only in search of self-interest, but also that of not harming third parties, has become the main concern of companies due to the legal imperative that so orders .

Certified destruction

The certified destruction is the conclusive proof of the correct elimination of these information media, since it contains all the data of the destroyed media, but be careful, not all companies that offer this type of services grant a legitimate certificate of secure destruction.

The standard defines the requirements for the management and control of collection, transport and destruction of confidential material. Indicates the levels of destruction (level of shredding) according to the type of information to be removed and the support (paper, SIM and negative cards, audio and video tapes, computers, CDs, DVDs, microfiche, among others).

Higher levels of destruction make information retrieval more difficult. There are companies that carry out the destruction according to this rule and issue a certificate.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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