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Are you a HIPAA Compliant Business?

Are you a HIPAA Compliant Business?

The Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was signed into law in 1996 to set detailed and strict rules that protect all oral, written, and electronic healthcare data. Since its main objective is to prevent data breaches by protecting sensitive personal and health data, HIPAA certification is necessary for all those individuals and companies who operate in the healthcare industry.

Due to the pandemic and globalization, now we are continuously exposed to data breaches and cyberattacks, however, protecting your data will always minimize the risk of being hacked. HIPAA violations can immediately damage your company's prestige and image, plus those legal penalties are expensive.

As we already mentioned, HIPAA certification is now a requirement for all those companies and individuals working in the healthcare industry, so you must start working on it. HIPAA training sessions will teach you all the knowledge and details required to keep patient data secure and private through all the processes accomplished by ITAD companies. We suggest you complete the training program, hire a consultant, attend a conference, or hire a certified HIPPA compliant ITAD partner that offers professional services and processes tailored to your company's requirements.

Need some help? At GreenTek Solutions, we support your company's compliance efforts with professional, secure, and documented ITAD services that will protect your confidential data. With over 30 years of expertise, our trained team is always ready to support your needs; start working with a HIPAA-compliant partner today!!

Melannie Cruz

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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